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fastcpd_var() and fastcpd.var() are wrapper functions of fastcpd_ts() to find change points in VAR(\(p\)) models. The function is similar to fastcpd_ts() except that the data is by default a matrix with row as an observation and thus a formula is not required here.


fastcpd_var(data, order = 0, ...)

fastcpd.var(data, order = 0, ...)



A matrix, a data frame or a time series object.


A positive integer specifying the order of the VAR model.


Other arguments passed to fastcpd(), for example, segment_count.


A fastcpd object.

See also


n <- 300
p <- 2
theta_1 <- matrix(c(-0.3, 0.6, -0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, -0.2), nrow = p)
theta_2 <- matrix(c(0.3, -0.4, 0.1, -0.5, -0.5, -0.2, -0.5, 0.2), nrow = p)
x <- matrix(0, n + 2, p)
for (i in 1:200) {
  x[i + 2, ] <- theta_1 %*% c(x[i + 1, ], x[i, ]) + rnorm(p, 0, 1)
for (i in 201:n) {
  x[i + 2, ] <- theta_2 %*% c(x[i + 1, ], x[i, ]) + rnorm(p, 0, 1)
result <- fastcpd.var(x, 2)
#> Warning: argument is not a function
#> Call:
#> fastcpd.var(data = x, order = 2)
#> Change points:
#> 204 
#> Cost values:
#> 583.9159 306.6093 
#> Parameters:
#>    segment 1  segment 2
#> 1 -0.2524511  0.2760795
#> 2 -0.5679217  0.2764738
#> 3  0.2065672 -0.5327953
#> 4  0.2451136 -0.4303701
#> 5  0.5655444 -0.3844917
#> 6  0.3903103 -0.5302748
#> 7  0.1614109 -0.1918981
#> 8 -0.1716114  0.1671678